Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Well, after the breakdown of the monitor last night and this morning and this afternoon here is a belated birthday post ;)

The adventures of Joyce the newly 17:

The day started at 5:30, when two strange people burst into my room, forced me into a jumper then tied a blanket over my head and then chucked me into a car, where we drove and drove and went for another walk (well, carried the blindfolded me) up a hill where i found myself at the obelisk in time for an awesome sunrise!! Then we had maccas for breakfast and it was back to bed for me ;)

After a fun tute in town, group J and a few special honorary group J'ers crashed the Bogie Hole (the cafe, not the literal hole) and forcefed me a huge slice of really yummy (but really really rich) cheesecake then dinner :)

then it was back home in time for dinner and reality :)

and the "festivities" (or excuse to have cake in PBL) spilled over to today where we had more cake in PBL and lollies :) and mr thrifty the skeleton finally turned up in newcastle :D just in time for my self-declared "adopt a skeleton" day ;)

So now i'm hoping that the monitor holds out until i finish this post - it's been moody and breaking down all day... and nursing my hyperglycaemia ;) no more cake until friday's PBL... ;)

Looking back on the last 17 years, there is so much to praise and thank God for - for blessings of friends and family and music, seeing how his hand has been on everything that's ever happened (and will happen!), for life itself and most of all, that I can call him father :D "By the grace of God I am what I am" - 1 Corinthians 15:10

and another thing to be thankful for: my carinya jersey and the jeans came back!!! I went downstairs to do a load of washing and they were sitting on the laundry floor as if nothing had happened :D YAY!!!

A big thank you to all the people that made yesterday so special - especially to the strange people that abducted me and my first year med "family" (hehe you all know who you are :P)

-- Now playing - The Ataris - In this diary

I guess when it comes down to it...
Being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up -
These are the best days of our lives!


Anonymous said...

Hi Joyce,

Happy Birthday to you!
Hope you don't mind it is belated.
Glad to know that you have a very special treatment & funs on your day.
Lots of love,
Sitt ku

Joyce said...

Hi Sitt Ku :D

Thanks! :) I didn't know that you read my blog too!! :P


Anonymous said...

Hi Joyce,

I will travel to Perth this Sunday together with grandma. Will stay till 13/6.

Sitt Ku