After the most productive study day since... a couple of saturdays ago, my brain is, again, feeling fried - why did I sign up for this 5 years of study thing? (but i'm loving it!)
And I've finally got my act together and got the pics off my camera so...
here's a pic of Mr Skelly Thrifty (Skelly T.) who lives in my closet now ;) Isn't he simply gorgeous? made from almost accurate plastic (note strange floating ribs, position of mandible in relation to sternum and the way the skull cap attempts to fit, just to name a few :P) and best of all he was really cheap!! (hence the name - on the box, it says "Mr Thrifty"... strange marketing if you ask me..)

I've just spent the last hour redecorating my room in a last ditch attempt to not do any work... and because I just changed the sheets on the bed (more procrastination - and I love fresh clean sheets!!! and i kept getting black pen all over the light brown quilt cover (since i'm studying on the bed because the table is being taken by computer) so i thought i should probably change my quilt cover to the black one so i can study on it - ooh it's black.. and white... and red!! :P) - and since i've decided i'm going to stay here for the rest of the year, it gives a nice sense of "lived in"....

So in conlusion to a productive day and an even more productive (even if it was in a different way :P) night, all i can say is: photos look really good on the wall if you can get them "off the wall" a bit (stop wasting money on photo frames!!), if you study on your bed: a) clean up your room so that there's a table to study on!! (because the posture ends up really hurting your neck and back) and b) change the quilt cover to something that the pen colour that you're using won't show up on too much (because if you're a klutz like me, then your quilt cover will end up with interesting... patterns...) and always put your mouse mat on a flat surface because when the mouse starts sliding across the screen and you have to move it every, say, 2 seconds, it starts getting annoying... ;) and lastly, David Gray makes really good background music, but if you listen actively too much you may end up with a headache.. unless you have a mug of "relaxing tea" in hand and you're planning to go to bed ;) like me now! (oooh tomorrow's sunday - church!! *happy grins* :D - feels like this week has been sooooo long but time's flown as it always does..)
-- Now playing - David Gray - Babylon
Sunday all the lights of London
Shining , Sky is fading red to blue
I'm kicking through the Autumn leaves
And wondering where it is you might be going to
Turning back for home
You know I'm feeling so alone
I can't believe
Climbing on the stair
I turn around to see you smiling there
In front of me
Maybe it is good for you that your monitor works intermittently. Otherwise you may spend all your time in front of it!
Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.
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