Here's a post in memoriam of Group J - the most awesome PBL group in Semester 1 Year 1 (no bias or anything... i know the other groups were disadvantaged in that they didn't have me :P) - I think we deservedly earned the titles of "most lazy group", "the group that scared off their PBL tutor", "the group with the "horrendous" hospital tutor", and finally the "group J clique" - and we probably had the most food at our last PBL which alone would qualify us for best group ;) Looking forward to spreading the "Group J influence" next semester!! (mwahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaa)
I've been converted into a sofa!! On tuesday, a couple of people from my public health group decided that i was more useful as a pillow/beanbag/something to sit on...
It feels so weird that semester 1 is essentially over... and we've been at uni for almost 4 months... feels like forever but at the same time it's going so quickly! ;)
In other news... my new monitor came in yesterday!! But it didn't come with the picture of the birdies :( hehe - it's so good to be able to use the computer for more than 20 minutes every 2 hours!
Over the year, there's been a few songs I've discovered I can listen to over and over and over again without getting sick of that always make me grin when they start playing - for example, what's playing now...-- Now playing - Straylight Run - Existentialism on Prom Night
Sing me something soft
Sad and delicate or
Loud and out of key
Sing me anything
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