Friday night, arrive and unpack at youth camp then go to bed then wake up and watch Germany beat Costa Rica ;) - Joyce feels really really old (last of the 2004 y12 girls to still be camping!).

The theme of the conference this year was "See him coming" - we had John Woodhouse and Stephen Turner speaking from 1&2 Thessalonians, etc. on the second coming over a series of 7 talks - both encouraging (to look forward to when our Saviour and Judge will return) and challenging (we so often lose sight or forget in our comfortable 21st century existence!) - John left us with the challenge that Paul left to the Philippians: Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ!

It was great to see everyone again :) though Clay didn't last long after Evie tried to extract his brain - (that long blonde hair is just covering brain-removing implement) - therefore I get his Emery hoodie!!! yay!!!

and blogger isn't letting me post any more pics :( there has to be this black hole somewhere where they all disappear to every time i click "post picture"... hmmm - time to study then!
-- Now playing - I'm sick of the now playing segment. Coming up with a new one :P
1 comment:
Hi Joyce :-)
Sounds like a great weekend! I'm really bummed that we missed it (the fam are all sick with flu/cold thingy - coughing, sneezing and noses running etc - yuck). It would have been nice to see all you guys and get a chance to catch up, but at least we're getting the tapes so we didn't totally miss out. It's great to see the photos! Love Evie's brain extractor (I want one).
Hope all is going well with uni.
- Zuki-pah
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