Sunday, May 28, 2006
From INOUT designers
6 bicycles versus ONE car. this bike park occupies a single carpark space, like a critical proposal TO THE TRAFFIC.
196 H X 340 W X 40 D CM Galvanised steel
In Partnership with ROVAGRO SA and SIGNAL SA
and more inane urban art/design stuff can be found at:
Just for fun ;)
also worth checking out: - experimental art that actually is cool and good looking! (and, I'd imagine, fun to create!)
Cam-flip81 by Brian Cassidy
My room is really clean now... since i spent all afternoon cleaning it and redesigning the desk so there's room for computer stuff and textbook/study stuff on it!! And getting rid of all the dust that's accumulated and making the piles on the floor go away (slowly but surely...)...
So now that I've had my afternoon off.... time for dinner! and then a night of study awaits ;)
-- Now playing - Jack's Mannequin - I'm Ready
I put on the same clothes I wore yesterday.
When did society decide that we had to change
And wash a t-shirt after every individual use -
If it's not dirty, I'm gonna wear it
After the most productive study day since... a couple of saturdays ago, my brain is, again, feeling fried - why did I sign up for this 5 years of study thing? (but i'm loving it!)
And I've finally got my act together and got the pics off my camera so...
here's a pic of Mr Skelly Thrifty (Skelly T.) who lives in my closet now ;) Isn't he simply gorgeous? made from almost accurate plastic (note strange floating ribs, position of mandible in relation to sternum and the way the skull cap attempts to fit, just to name a few :P) and best of all he was really cheap!! (hence the name - on the box, it says "Mr Thrifty"... strange marketing if you ask me..)
Last night PYGs (uni students group) at Elermore Vale ran youth group with a celebrity night - surprise appearance from Rowan Atkinson himself!! Fortunately I managed to avoid a picture of myself in a cheongsam - (google it!) - how do people wear those things? (if you didn't google it or can't be bothered, it's a traditional chinese dress with traditional cuts in the side of the dress that go, well, pretty high.. feels like a miniskirt with extra long flaps at the front and back - and comfort factor is definitely hovering somewhere around maybe 1/10?)
I've just spent the last hour redecorating my room in a last ditch attempt to not do any work... and because I just changed the sheets on the bed (more procrastination - and I love fresh clean sheets!!! and i kept getting black pen all over the light brown quilt cover (since i'm studying on the bed because the table is being taken by computer) so i thought i should probably change my quilt cover to the black one so i can study on it - ooh it's black.. and white... and red!! :P) - and since i've decided i'm going to stay here for the rest of the year, it gives a nice sense of "lived in"....
As do the little critters on my bed - teddy, donkey (who's actually a dog - i just decided that he looked like a donkey... hey i was 4 and obsessed with anything equine when i got him!!) and the blue squishy one is Tieman (he came to summerfest with a tie on him, and after being repeatedly hung from doors by the tie... the tie.. went.)
So in conlusion to a productive day and an even more productive (even if it was in a different way :P) night, all i can say is: photos look really good on the wall if you can get them "off the wall" a bit (stop wasting money on photo frames!!), if you study on your bed: a) clean up your room so that there's a table to study on!! (because the posture ends up really hurting your neck and back) and b) change the quilt cover to something that the pen colour that you're using won't show up on too much (because if you're a klutz like me, then your quilt cover will end up with interesting... patterns...) and always put your mouse mat on a flat surface because when the mouse starts sliding across the screen and you have to move it every, say, 2 seconds, it starts getting annoying... ;) and lastly, David Gray makes really good background music, but if you listen actively too much you may end up with a headache.. unless you have a mug of "relaxing tea" in hand and you're planning to go to bed ;) like me now! (oooh tomorrow's sunday - church!! *happy grins* :D - feels like this week has been sooooo long but time's flown as it always does..)
-- Now playing - David Gray - Babylon
Sunday all the lights of London
Shining , Sky is fading red to blue
I'm kicking through the Autumn leaves
And wondering where it is you might be going to
Turning back for home
You know I'm feeling so alone
I can't believe
Climbing on the stair
I turn around to see you smiling there
In front of me
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Dancing Princess 7
He called me Jess because that is the name of the hood which restrains the falcon.
I was his falcon. I hung on his arm and fed at his hand.
He said my nose was sharp and cruel
and that my eyes had madness in them.
He said I would tear him to pieces
if he dealt softly with me.
At night, if he was away, he had me chained to our bed.
It was a long chain, long enough for me to use the chamber pot
or to stand at the window and wait for the late owls.
I love to hear the owls.
I love to hear see the sudden glide of wings spread out for prey,
and then the dip and the noise like a lover in pain.
He used the chain when we went riding together.
I had a horse as strong as his,
and he’d whip the horse from behind
and send it charging through the trees,
and he’d follow, half a head behind,
pulling on the chain and asking me how I liked my ride.
I was none of these things, but I became them.
At night, in June I think,
I flew off his wrist and tore his liver from his body,
and bit my chain in pieces
and left him on the bed with his eyes open.
He looked surprised, I don’t know why.
As your lover describes you, so you are.
Well there's nothing like a lovely dark and violent poem to start the day ;) If anyone knows where this poem comes from or who wrote it (google isn't telling me..) I'm sure the future English teachers from UNE will appreciate knowing...
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
And here is the result of an extremely productive 2 hour lecture on biostatistics: "African Art 101" by James T... and critique of critique and random writing by Mike - hehe that out of context bit in the right is very open to interpretation...
And now it looks like a night of work since our lovely easy-going and laid back tutor has gone interstate and we have a reputedly tough new one tomorrow :( which is good, because it means that we'll do work now, which is also bad. :P
Hehe here goes - work time!! oh life is so hard ;)
Now playing - Discover America - Green Eyes
Cause everybody wants to know your nameAnd they're just thinking of the perfect words to break the ice
But every time it's just in vain
Cause you're not impressed
But you're so polite
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Quick post before monitor hits its "death at 40 minutes" - what I had typed before IE7 also died was med bible study was awesome and shopping at tuggerah was fun and i'm looking for a new monitor and my room smells like jasmine because the evil little puffing glade air freshener decided to spill all over printer cover...
It Is Never Right to Be Angry with God - John Piper-- Now playing - Anberlin - Paperthin Hymn
November 13, 2000
Recently I said those words to a group of several hundred people: "It is never, ever, ever, right to be angry with God." As I looked out on the people there was an incredulous look on many faces. This was not landing well. Clearly many did not agree. This was confirmed in a question-and-answer time, when one person asked from a microphone, "Would you say something more about not being angry with God? Did you mean to say that it is never right to be angry with God?"
My answer was, "Yes, that is what I said. But perhaps you are stumbling over something you think I said which I didn't say. So let me add this: If you are angry with God, it is never right not to tell him so." This made some people scratch their heads again and look more puzzled. It puzzled me that they were puzzled. So I said it again another way: "If you are sinning by being angry with God, don't compound the sin by hypocrisy." The perplexity stayed on many faces. So I said it again: "If you sin by being angry with God, don't add to it the sin of trying to conceal it from him. That would double the offense."
Some were obviously tracking with me, but others looked baffled. At that point, I left it and went on to another question. But I have been thinking about those baffled looks ever since. Why was this so difficult to grasp? What assumptions were out there that made two simple statements so baffling. "It's never right to be angry with God." And: "It's never right to hide your anger from him, if you feel it." To me nothing could be more obvious. Why is this so non-controversial to me and so baffling to some others?
Here are two possible assumptions that may be common in many heads today, which would make them balk at what I said.
First, many assume that feelings are not right or wrong, they are neutral. So to say that anger (whether at God or anybody else) is "not right" is like saying sneezing is not right. You just don't apply the labels right and wrong to sneezing. It just happens to you. That is the way many people think about feelings: they just happen to you. Therefore, they are not moral or immoral; they are neutral. So for me to say that it is never right to be angry with God is to put the feeling of anger in a category where it doesn't belong, the category of morality.
This kind of thinking about feelings is one of the reasons there is so much shallow Christianity. We think the only things that have moral significance in the world are acts of volition. And we think feelings like desire and delight and frustration and anger are not acts of volition, but waves that break on the shore of our souls with no moral significance. Small wonder that many people do not earnestly seek to be transformed at the level of feelings, but only of "choices." That makes for a
very superficial saint (at best).
This assumption is contrary to what the Bible teaches. In the Bible, many feelings are treated as morally good and many as morally bad. What makes them good or bad is how they relate to God. If they show that God is true and valuable, they are good, and if they suggest that God is false or foolish or evil, they are bad. For example, delight in the Lord is not neutral, it is commanded (Psalm 37:4).Therefore it is good. But to "take pleasure in wickedness" is wrong (2 Thessalonians 2:12), because it signifies that sin is more desirable than God, which is not true.
It's the same with anger. Anger at sin is good (Mark 3:5), but anger at goodness is sin. That is why it is never right to be angry with God. He is always and only good, no matter how strange and painful his ways with us. Anger toward God signifies that he is bad or weak or cruel or foolish. None of those is true, and all of them dishonor him. Therefore it is never right to be angry at God. When Jonah and Job were angry with God, Jonah was rebuked by God (Jonah 4:9) and Job repented in dust and ashes (Job 42:6).
The second assumption that may cause people to stumble over the statement that it is never right to be angry with God is the assumption that God really does things that ought to make us angry. But, as painful as his providence can be, we should trust that he is good, not get angry with him. That would be like getting angry at the surgeon who cuts us. It might be right if the surgeon slips and makes a mistake. But God never slips.
So I say it again: It is never right to be angry with God. But if you sin in this way, don't compound it by hypocrisy. Tell him the truth and repent.
Pastor John
You never know what temporal days may bring
So laugh, love, live free and sing
When life is in dischord
Praise ye the lord
Friday, May 19, 2006
oh... strong bad beat me to the composition....
How can i compete against someone who looks totally awesome all the time? Oh well...
YAY the monitor came back to life again... i'm starting to think this problem isn't going to go away :( nooooo.... an hour isn't too bad... agh i've managed to kill an hour??? well it's time to end this post and go to bed!
-- Now playing - Story of the year - Taste the Poison
And it's the same old story
I've seen it all too many times
It's the fall from glory
that makes you feel alive
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
The adventures of Joyce the newly 17:
The day started at 5:30, when two strange people burst into my room, forced me into a jumper then tied a blanket over my head and then chucked me into a car, where we drove and drove and went for another walk (well, carried the blindfolded me) up a hill where i found myself at the obelisk in time for an awesome sunrise!! Then we had maccas for breakfast and it was back to bed for me ;)
After a fun tute in town, group J and a few special honorary group J'ers crashed the Bogie Hole (the cafe, not the literal hole) and forcefed me a huge slice of really yummy (but really really rich) cheesecake then dinner :)
then it was back home in time for dinner and reality :)
and the "festivities" (or excuse to have cake in PBL) spilled over to today where we had more cake in PBL and lollies :) and mr thrifty the skeleton finally turned up in newcastle :D just in time for my self-declared "adopt a skeleton" day ;)
So now i'm hoping that the monitor holds out until i finish this post - it's been moody and breaking down all day... and nursing my hyperglycaemia ;) no more cake until friday's PBL... ;)
Looking back on the last 17 years, there is so much to praise and thank God for - for blessings of friends and family and music, seeing how his hand has been on everything that's ever happened (and will happen!), for life itself and most of all, that I can call him father :D "By the grace of God I am what I am" - 1 Corinthians 15:10
and another thing to be thankful for: my carinya jersey and the jeans came back!!! I went downstairs to do a load of washing and they were sitting on the laundry floor as if nothing had happened :D YAY!!!
A big thank you to all the people that made yesterday so special - especially to the strange people that abducted me and my first year med "family" (hehe you all know who you are :P)
-- Now playing - The Ataris - In this diary
I guess when it comes down to it...
Being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up -
These are the best days of our lives!
Monday, May 15, 2006
Sunday, May 14, 2006
I did more study than I've ever done since the HSC - taking a year off really kills the brain function... now i'm wondering how i ever managed to do 8 hours a day before the HSC when 6 hours just tried to kill me ;) but i guess that my mind (and possibly even work ethic) may come back... one day...
Stumbled across a completely random poem on the internet:
It's, well... weird, but poignant is the word i think - i can't decide which part's my favourite though!! since it's really long... here's the bits i thought were cool anyway :P
I eat too much, sometimes, and talk too much, often, and
I'm a loner, but I love being lonely.
I never want to go to the moon, but I'd love to see penguins.
I'm perennially frustrated because I can't know everything.
My name is Ellie, and this is 1967.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Les Misérables, commonly known as Les Mis, is a musical based on the novel Les Misérables by Victor Hugo. The name, which is French, is pronounced /le mi ze ʀɑbl/.
"Les Mis" tells the story of ex-convict Jean Valjean and his attempts to start a new life and make the world a better place. The musical was written by the composer Claude-Michel Schönberg and the librettist Alain Boublil, and opened in September 1980 at the Palais des Sports in Paris for a projected eight-week season — it ran for sixteen weeks, closing only because the venue was already committed to other projects after that point. In 1982, English producer Cameron Mackintosh began work on an English language version, with lyrics by Herbert Kretzmer. The first English production, produced by Mackintosh and directed by Trevor Nunn, opened on October 8, 1985, in the Barbican Theatre, London. The Broadway production that opened in 1987 was nominated for twelve Tony Awards and won eight, including Best Musical and Best Original Score, and ran until 2003; at the time of its closing it was the third-longest running show in the history of Broadway.
It came first in a BBC Radio 2 listener poll of the "Nation's Number One Essential Musicals" (wherein Nation refers to the United Kingdom). [1] On 8 October 2005, the show celebrated its 20th anniversary performance at London's Queen's Theatre, where it is currently booking to 6 January 2007 - overtaking Andrew Lloyd Webber's Cats as longest running West End musical ever.
The musical was written by the composer Claude-Michel Schönberg and the librettist Alain Boublil. It opened in September 1980 at the Palais des Sports in Paris for a projected eight-week season; such was its success that it ran for sixteen weeks, closing only because the venue was already committed to other projects after that point. Les Misérables was a part of the major European influence on Broadway in the 80's along with Cats, The Phantom of the Opera, and Miss Saigon.
Well-known songs from the musical include "I Dreamed a Dream", "Master of the House", "Do You Hear the People Sing?", "On My Own", "A Little Fall Of Rain", "Bring Him Home," "Empty Chairs at Empty Tables", "Stars", "At the End of the Day", and "One Day More".
-- Now Playing - Empty Chairs at Empty Tables
There's a grief that can't be spoken.
There's a pain goes on and on.
Empty chairs at empty tables
Now my friends are dead and gone.
Here they talked of revolution.
Here it was they lit the flame.
Here they sang about `tomorrow'
And tomorrow never came.
From the table in the corner
They could see a world reborn
And they rose with voices ringing
I can hear them now!
The very words that they had sung
Became their last communion
On the lonely barricade at dawn.
Oh my friends, my friends forgive me
That I live and you are gone.
There's a grief that can't be spoken.
There's a pain goes on and on.
Phantom faces at the window.
Phantom shadows on the floor.
Empty chairs at empty tables
Where my friends will meet no more.
Oh my friends, my friends, don't ask me
What your sacrifice was for
Empty chairs at empty tables
Where my friends will sing no more.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
So glad that that assignment's over and out of the way :) looking forward to a blissfully PBL-free thursday :D (after a blissfully PBL-free wednesday afternoon that involved shopping, an hour and a half of piano, lots of cleaning up of room - that process is endless!, tv and ffx ;) - Zanarkand awaits!)
Ugh heartburn - dinner tonight was a really really yummy italian veal with a beautiful cheesy macaroni and rice - since i had leftover fried rice for 'dinner' before i got takeaway.. and left it sitting in my room... where it was still sitting when i got back home tonight and i was hungry so i ended up eating 2 big chunks of meat a little bit too fast ;) hence i'm sitting up now waiting for it to digest a bit before i go to bed... no more midnight snacking for joyce :P
Oops time for bed!!! *and if i was a tired little girl, i'd thank you Lord for friends and fun and msn and blogging and italian veal and finishing assignments and rest! (and that fuzzy wuzzy bears have fuzzy wuzzy hair so they can be in a cool song)*
-- Now playing - Hayley Westenra - In Trutina
In trutina mentis dubia fluctuant contraria lascivus amor et pudicitia
Sed eligo quod video collum iugo prebeo ad iugum tamen suave transeo
Monday, May 08, 2006
Went to unichurch again with JJ last night and it was really good to say hi and Greg's talk on Romans 6 was really challenging - "if you're a Christian you died to sin so stop sinning!!!" (so now i have to go back next week to hear Romans 7 (on how we still struggle with sin) or it'll be chewing at me :P) and one of my favourite songs was on the songlist that night too!!!! :D (column to the left ;p) Apart from the fact that it has a beautiful (new) tune, the words are also really beautiful in that the focus is all on God not me - "Him exalting, self abasing - this is victory!" :)
Well cleaning my room is a perfect excuse for procrastination and i'm glad i can see the table again, but it's definitely time to do some work now :P *plugs into study music*
-- Now playing - Nat King Cole - Let's face the music and dance
Before the fiddlers have fled
Before they ask us to pay the bill and while we still have the chance
Let's face the music and dance
Sunday, May 07, 2006
My adventure started off in the morning when I caught a bus down to a spot that looked like a good place to get off, then i got off and walked about half an hour (with the help of my trusty newcastle map :P) the rest of the way to Hunter Rhapsody which was absolutely AWESOME! It was really great to be meet the musos from other churches and have workshops with Michael Morrow and Philip Percival!! Philip spoke really well on singing in church - what really struck me was how he said that 'music leaders have a big responsibility so don't take that lightly' - so any time the church musos are being immature and attention seeking and not keeping in mind their main purpose of helping the congregation to sing, they're reflecting badly not only on themselves but the church! And it's really reminded me to be always thankful that I've been blessed with the opportunity to learn how to play the piano and cello and stuff like that! :D
And after a day of singing praise to God and learning how to guide others in the church to sing as well it's impossible to be anything but joyful! :D
So here's a list of instruments that I've now been inspired to go and learn: saxophone, electric guitar, double bass and tin whistle to add to the list of instruments i already want to learn: harp, bagpipes, drums, bass guitar - hehe one thing at a time i guess... any donation of instruments to the 'Joyce wants to learn every instrument on the planet' fund is greatly appreciated :P (oh I REALLY want a nose flute or maybe a new kazoo... )
And I've even manage to fit in a nap, dinner and a bit of work too! wow it's only been a day! :D
-- Now playing - Elton John - Your Song (Joyce goes into perpetual grin mode :D)
I sat on the roof and kicked off the moss
Well a few of the verses well they've got me quite cross
But the sun's been quite kind while I wrote this song
It's for people like you that keep it turned on
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Tomorrow (well today) it's Hunter Rhapsody!! Looking really forward to starting on the piano at Elermore Vale, and looking forward to learning how to serve and encourage better with music tomorrow! :D (and God-willing, I might even find my way there! hehe I have a map, getting there should be a cool adventure :D) Philip Percival (guy that wrote 'Consider Christ', and 'We are His People') is speaking!!! can't wait ;)
Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness.
Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre,
Praise him with tambourine and dancing, praise him with the strings and flute,
Praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals.
Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD!
Off to bed for me, need to be recharged for a big day tomorrow!! (hehe i'm so excited!)
-- Now playing - Billy Joel - For the Longest Time
Whoaaaaaa ohhh ohhh for the longest time... :P
just imagine the cavemen ;)
Thursday, May 04, 2006
oh yay I think they might have gone to bed now :) time for round 2 of sleep! :D YAY!!
(That doesn't mean, Kate, that I take back my previous comment about life being too short to waste on something like sleep... :P)
-- Now playing - RIKKI (music by Uematsu Nobuo) - Suteki da ne
(if you can't see the characters, use the Shift-Jis encoding that comes with IE)
二人手をとり 歩けたなら
キミの街 家 腕の中
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
1/3 cup water
1/3 cup sugar
2 teaspoon powdered green tea
1 cup heavy cream
1 cup light cream
Combine the water and sugar in a small saucepan over low heat, stirring, until the sugar melts, and simmer the syrup for 5 minutes.
In a separate bowl, mix 1 tablespoon of the syrup with the powdered green tea, then add that mixture to the syrup in the saucepan, and stir until evenly mixed.
Add the light cream and heavy cream , pour into an ice cream freezer, and freeze according to manufacturer's instructions.
Now I'm wishing for an icecream maker!! though eating this stuff probably wouldn't be too good for me :(
Reading through Colossians again (I love that book!) - Colossians 1:10 sets a challenge: "Walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.""
Walking "worthy of the Lord" would mean acting in a way that shows how worthy and able and gracious and strong the Lord is. So it is with the phrases "worthy of God" and "worthy of the Lord" and "worthy of the gospel" and "worthy of the calling." They mean: Act in a way that fits the great value and glorious nature of God and the gospel and your calling. And what fits with that great value? Faith. Above all things, faith and its fruit of love fits the worth of God and the gospel.
So think this way. NOT: I must have faith and love so as to be worth God's favor; BUT RATHER: God's favor is free and it is infinitely worth trusting. Walking worthy of that favor means walking by faith, because faith is the one thing that agrees with our bankruptcy and God's infinite "worth." Looking to God's infinite worth for our help and satisfaction is "walking worthy of God."
Wanting to walk ever more worthily of God with you,
Pastor John
-- Now playing - Unsent letter - MGF
I've given up some thing, I guess that doesn't matter
I've started other things, I guess that doesn't matter
But I finally wrote your song, another unsent letter
In a pile addressed to you, c-/ of something, somewhere better
Monday, May 01, 2006
It's just one of those nights when there's nothing that I feel like listening to in the music library and all I really want to do right now is go to sleep - what a good idea! sleep is not as overrated as it originally seemed to be... ah, Dianna Krall... the ultimate in blues and 'i really need to chill and it's the middle of the night'...
Well it's time to sleep i think, my brain has switched off and i've typed down to the bottom of the picture of Strongbadman ;)
-- Now Playing - Diana Krall - Black Crow
In search of love & music
My whole life has been
And diving diving diving diving
Diving down to pick up on every shiny thing
Just like that black crow flying in a blue sky
I looked at the morning
After being up all night
I looked at my haggard face in the bathroom light
I looked out the window
And I saw that ragged soul take flight
I saw a black crow flying
In a blue sky