Monday, March 20, 2006

I've finally changed the timestamp! It is now 4:45 on a monday afternoon and not some bizzare hour of the night/morning anymore! :D

Today, I officially handed in my first assignment. I'm a big girl now! Been watching lots of family guy thanks to the evil genius in IH, finished UT2004 so it's going to be... DELETED!!!! (when i get enough motivation to) and I'm back on the Clannad bandwagon again :D

Newcastle's been beautifully overcast and cool today - threatening to rain all day while never actually doing it ;) This means that winter's coming!! yay!!! no more mozzies!! no more overheated room! :D

After being sick on the weekend i went to the pharmacy today and added to my growing 'pharmacy in my drawer' - not only do i have bandaids and panadol, but i have betadine, imodium and disprin too! ironically enough, the only thing i wanted was strepsils but the asprin seems to work well enough - i'm really hoping this doesn't turn into a full-on flu because i don't want to make any of the patients sick on friday - we're going to the hospital!! YAY!!! (says Joyce as she removes a rather large and itchy scab from a mozzie bite, whoops that's more blood than usual oh well pulls out betadine and bandaid again).

-- Now Playing - Clannad - Caidé Sin D'on Té Sin

Deir daoine go bhfuil mé gan rath 's gan dóigh
Gan earra gan éadach gan bólacht ná stór
Má tá mise sásta mo chónaí i gcró
Ó caidé sin d'on té sin nach mbaineann sin dó

People say I'm without riches no doubt
Without goods or clothes or cattle or stock
If I am happy living in a hovel

Oh what is that to anyone else?

1 comment:

domo said...

evil genius huh?

how come you've dropped the "genius" part lately huh? :-(
