Well i'm sick.. officially... last sunday i woke up with a burning throat and a craving for paracetomol. or ibuprofen. or aspirin. or some form of analgesic and possibly a strepsil... 4 days of coughing later, i have a productive cough with mild rhinorrhea and fog of the brain. the fever's gone though so i'm happy about that :D and Ping brought me some cake from the birthday party that i helped organise and then had to miss because of the gagging cough...(*graow!!* )
mmm chocolate cake with smarties...
my day off was busy and fun and busy and i have a printer!!! I am now the proud owner of a DCP-115C though slightly ripped off (due to lack of transport to other shops and pressing need for printer, i paid probably 20 or 30 more than i should) but still happy :D *licks fingers after chocolate cookies and cake - wow they brought me a lot of cake aren't they meant to be feeding me healthy stuff so i get better? :P* - in terms of RRP i saved 33% so that's good enough for me :D and it cute and little and quiet and fast and scans and copies and i'm still obsessing and there's this huge box in my room with all the plastic and stuff in it.... 4 of us went to officeworks (poor misinformed international students who were under the impression that officeworks sold cheap electronics...) 2 of them went to the beach and me and Ping bought our printers and came home. my little inkjet was easy enough to carry even with 3 other bags of stuff... but Ping had a huge bag sitting on top of her large (though not too heavy) laser printer box... and i managed to get us on the wrong bus home - it all turned out fine in the end (the bus driver told us which bus we were supposed to catch and in the end we only wasted about.. 15 minutes .. on the wrong bus) though staggering around with large printer boxes in not the most enjoyable way to spend the afternoon it's funny when you've got a friend :DWell... time to get some form of rest - hospital tomorrow at 8:30 i'm really excited but i've heard it's boring ;) it still means i have to catch the 8am bus to the John Hunter... should be fun :D goodnight all ;)-- Now Playing - Anthony Warlow - AnthemShe is eternal, long before nation's lines were drawnWhen no flags flew, when no armies stoodMy land was born
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