Friday, August 10, 2007

finally updating the blog...


i'm into week 4 of semester 2! we've done lots of endocrine stuff so far in med, mission week is coming up next week (already!) and life is generally busy

currently compounded by this apparent mass in my throat, which is also preventing me from sleeping. really hope it isn't anything major :( tho a week of sleepness nights and difficulty swallowing speaks for itself, i guess... it's actually getting quite annoying :(

well it's 1:30 am hopefully i'm sufficiently tired to fall asleep.. despite the throat thing. hmm. we'll see what happens tomorrow i guess...


Anonymous said...

Hi, Joyce,

Sorry to hear that you are still disturbing by your throat problem.

Hope nothing is major and recover very soon.

Sitt ku

Anonymous said...

The throat issue's an international pandemic - everyone I know - including myself - has had the same thing.

Very annoying :(

(I'm bored and checking peoples blogs :P)

- the tabster