Spiky squash-ball sized hailstones = lots of noise, lots of people going "AAAH MY CAR!!!" (the hailstones in the pic melted a lot before we got them on the towel and took pic as well... so most of the spikyness went too :(... )

Some random brave people went out with their golfclubs (and helmet) to play exploding hailstone golf...

And just as quickly as it all started - the sun came out and it ended! Strangely familiar... exactly the same as the carinya y12 grad, 2003 ;) Hehe I'm off to get me some more of those hailstones and find an unsuspecting victim...
"God is exalted in his power.
Who is a teacher like him?
Who has prescribed his ways for him,
or said to him, 'You have done wrong'?
Remember to extol his work,
which men have praised in song.
All mankind has seen it;
men gaze on it from afar.
How great is God—beyond our understanding!
The number of his years is past finding out.
"He draws up the drops of water,
which distill as rain to the streams ;
the clouds pour down their moisture
and abundant showers fall on mankind.
Who can understand how he spreads out the clouds,
how he thunders from his pavilion?
See how he scatters his lightning about him,
bathing the depths of the sea.
This is the way he governs the nations
and provides food in abundance.
He fills his hands with lightning
and commands it to strike its mark.
His thunder announces the coming storm;
even the cattle make known its approach.
- Job 36:22-33
heehee 2 years ago there was a hailstorm in newcastle too and it was much much worse than this. The whole ground was white in color after the storm, and bara was flooding lol. Not to mention one of the roof in the Uni collapse due to the weight of the ice accumulated on the top...
And yes I was one of those people who went "OMG MY CAR!!!" but my car survived the storm and it was very very clean, considering then I hadn't wash it for a while hmmm... anyway I sold it last yr.
Yeah I remember that storm - the hail piled up against the buildings and looked like snow.
We had a dust storm today, but God sent rain soon after to make it settle and make a lot of mud instead - hehe. We had two very soggy & muddy puppies!
mmm, they had water rushing down the steps in mcmullin building that sunday night at church (the big hailstorm traves mentioned was on a sunday night)
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