Friday, August 25, 2006

Ok, I'm a hopeless blogger. (hey it's only been 2 weeks!!) In justification of the prior statement - life has been incredibly full-on and busy for this semester. (not that I'd have it any other way, I'm loving it!)

Med-wise, we've just finished our 5 week unit on the gastro system and we're about to start another 4 or 5 weeks on renal (i.e. we can stop looking at poo now and progress to the joys of urination), had my third and last abdo exam skills tute yesterday (which means i've formally finished learning how to prod people's tummies) and GP placement is looming in early september! There's heaps of work but as always is a stack of fun :)

NCS-wise, we had mission week here last week which went "awesomely" - keeping on praying for people that heard the gospel that week and that God will work in their hearts! We often take the privilege of evangelism for granted - last week was a great reminder to me that it's such a massive privilege to be out there sharing God's message with people! Last weekend I headed down to katoomba reachout with a carful of college people which was a great weekend about mission (keep 3rd weekend of august free next year!!) And now it's back to balancing course on Islam, college bible study, bible talks on wednesday and med bible study with work and the rest of life :P

And as for the "rest of life" - I'm heading back down to Tamworth this weekend (today!) for the Conservatorium showcase - since lil bro won the violin scholarship last year, he has to play something for the showcase this year, and since big sis (me) is an overprotective perfectionist, NOONE is going near the piano part!! *growls at everyone including head of conservatorium :P* Going with another girl in 1st yer med, so it should be heaps of fun :D and I'm looking forward to catching up with everyone at church on sunday :)

So there's a short summary before I dash off to class ;) (happy now?? :P)

-- Now playing - Jack's Mannequin - I'm Ready

Well I'm ready
I'm ready to drop
I'm ready
I'm ready so don't stop

Saturday, August 12, 2006

well it's been an awfully long time since i posted anything in here.... *vacuums cobwebs and spiders* just acknowledging that this site still exists... and then going to sleep...