Merry Christmas everyone! :)
I woke up, I cleaned my room, I helped mum clean the kitchen and bathroom and then went out to Paul and Russ's birthday party - happy 20th birthday to both of you! :D Then I came home early and Iron Chef was on! :P then Inspector Rex the Christmas Special was on! oh dear i'm turning into a bit of an SBS fan... hehe :P Summerfest music is all printed out and ready to give to people tomorrow :D It's been a great day ;) Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
Matthew 1:18-25 (NIV)
This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit. Because Joseph her husband was a righteous man and did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly.
But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins."
All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: "The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel" —which means, "God with us."
When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife. But he had no union with her until she gave birth to a son. And he gave him the name Jesus. is © Copyright 1995-2005 Gospel Communications International
-- Now playing: George - Fortunate Smile
And I pray every day for a glimpse of your fortunate smile...
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Another day... I'm going to play earthworm jim now! :D Summerfest meeting was... interesting... and music practice was... interesting... :P Sorry Catherine, practices just aren't the same without you ;) though Trudy did a great job! :D looking forward to the carols tomorrow night anyway - hopefully the people that we invited from work will come - it's great working somewhere where there's guaranteed to be at least 30ish people wandering through your door every day and no matter how much you annoy them with brochures to 'church stuff' they'll still stay there because they need to see a doctor ;)
Evie and I did lots of work today - refiled the patient records, discovered new uses for bubble wrap, created an ad for the "Brita water jug" and generally had a lot more fun - it's weird - after tomorrow there's a 2 week holiday for Evie and a 3 day week next week for me! ;)
Earthworm Jim time! yay!!!
-- Now playing: Idea of North - Singin' a cappella
Compared to this he's bland
You should play another hand
Such a pity that he'll never understand...
That you're singin' a cappella :P doo doo doo do doo doo doo do doo doo doooooo....
Evie and I did lots of work today - refiled the patient records, discovered new uses for bubble wrap, created an ad for the "Brita water jug" and generally had a lot more fun - it's weird - after tomorrow there's a 2 week holiday for Evie and a 3 day week next week for me! ;)
Earthworm Jim time! yay!!!
-- Now playing: Idea of North - Singin' a cappella
Compared to this he's bland
You should play another hand
Such a pity that he'll never understand...
That you're singin' a cappella :P doo doo doo do doo doo doo do doo doo doooooo....
Wednesday, December 21, 2005

I'm so glad evie's at work to push me to get off my butt - I haven't done so much work since.. never and it feels really good to be doing something productive (all i need is a push along now and then :p) and it's good to have someone to talk to and laugh with/at ;) and dan's always there to give me a push as well ;) otherwise i'd just be wallowing in a lazy pool of self-pity at the moment...
whew now that i've written all that out it doesn't seem that scary after all.... as long as i get on with it now ;) urgh. 11:49 with wet hair *sighs* off I go to dry it...
I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength - Philippians 4:13
-- currently playing: Savage Garden: I Want You ;P
But the time of talking
Using symbols using words
Can be likened to a deep sea diver
Who is swimming with a raincoat
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
I hereby declare tonight "catch up with people you haven't talked to for ages" night - I decided to catch up with one of my primary school teachers (more like a family friend) this year and sent her a christmas present and she called tonight and we had a good chat for the better part of an hour.... then I was in a motivated mood to call a few people I hadn't talked to for ages... hmm who else can I call/email now....
Mum went for a gastroscopy today - she didn't have to get cut open for a laparoscopy after all ;) so they just stuck a camera down her throat instead. She just said she had a really good sleep ;) but they still don't know what's wrong with her :S hopefully they'll find out soon.... My tummy's sick too :( but at least i'm getting better - since it started hurting to eat, i've lost 1 and a half kilos so it's a surefire way to lose weight... today it wasn't so bad though so i suppose that weight loss will only be temporary ;)
Summerfest in 12 days!!!
Mum went for a gastroscopy today - she didn't have to get cut open for a laparoscopy after all ;) so they just stuck a camera down her throat instead. She just said she had a really good sleep ;) but they still don't know what's wrong with her :S hopefully they'll find out soon.... My tummy's sick too :( but at least i'm getting better - since it started hurting to eat, i've lost 1 and a half kilos so it's a surefire way to lose weight... today it wasn't so bad though so i suppose that weight loss will only be temporary ;)
Summerfest in 12 days!!!
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Voxpopping was scary at first, but then it was a lot of fun! We harassed customers in Target and got told to camera outside Big W, and got a variety of different responses to our questions (interesting ones too) - there were a couple of people that we met that we knew (Prue Sutton, Em Turner (and her dad), Josiah's Kmart workmates, and a thankyou to Jared for answering our questions on the spot even though we didn't see a movie with you) - there was a buddhist guy that we asked as well (we didn't know he was a buddhist at the time...) and a guy from the Tamworth Bible Baptist church - I went into Coles to get iced coffee, Josiah stood outside with the camera and got into a theological discussion with him ;) - we got heaps of footage for me to play with now and it was a lot of fun! lol can't wait until doorknocking at summerfest :P (another scary but fun activity)
Well it's 10 to 12 now and i still haven't had a shower (or dinner, i suddenly remember - though i'm not hungry so i'll survive to breakfast - sleep time! goodnight :D
I feel like an... octopus. eww. no, try.. um.. octopus. :P I need at least 8 arms to do everything in the office at rush hour but fortunately evie's started this week so i only need 4 because she has 4 as well. hmm that was a very strange logic process, but it works ;) so now i feel like.. half an octopus? :P
Dad's having a teleconference this morning which essentially saves me having to pick up the phone (bet all the patients are happy with the 1 and a half hour downtime with the phone, I know the reception staff is :P) - Evie's coming in the afternoon so i'm taking the opportunity to finally catch up on Christmas card writing ;)
Going to do voxpop this evening with evie and jj - shoud be fun! we bought a new battery for the camera (for $260 i feel ripped off... but at least it came before tonight) and since i charged it last night i had to wait until midnight until it finished (not that i was complaining i was playing the computer ;)) After a 2am night the night before, I think Joel and I are officially stuffed. Though his movie is really good for a year 8 production in 2 weeks ;)
Back to work/cards :P
Dad's having a teleconference this morning which essentially saves me having to pick up the phone (bet all the patients are happy with the 1 and a half hour downtime with the phone, I know the reception staff is :P) - Evie's coming in the afternoon so i'm taking the opportunity to finally catch up on Christmas card writing ;)
Going to do voxpop this evening with evie and jj - shoud be fun! we bought a new battery for the camera (for $260 i feel ripped off... but at least it came before tonight) and since i charged it last night i had to wait until midnight until it finished (not that i was complaining i was playing the computer ;)) After a 2am night the night before, I think Joel and I are officially stuffed. Though his movie is really good for a year 8 production in 2 weeks ;)
Back to work/cards :P
Monday, December 12, 2005

Well it's a little bit ridiculous... blogger will happily upload your photos onto your blog but when it comes to profile pics you have to have an url... fine.. i shall give in and simply post them here! :P then they'll have an url - ha that's taught it!! :P
this is a pic of me pre-chickenpox, post-brownhair, pre-retainer removal, and pre-new glasses :P i think i like this pic best ;)
Well after killing the last few blogs... I'm going to start again :D
Hi to everyone ;) I'm still in Tamworth after a year of "R&R" - which means a lot of work (receptionist job, 3 hours of piano a day until 2 weeks ago - i passed my Amus yay!!) ;) but looking forward to Newcastle next year! (studying medicine, staying hopefully on campus at Edwards Hall which is fully catered)

Summerfest in 19 days!!! Evie started work today (she's taking over from me when I leave) which was fun ;) and we need to get our talk together for summerfest :S Josiah and I have a voxpop to do and I've got to sort out the music - we're going for an amibitious 6 songs this year ;) feeding the kids bikkies and icing sugar shouldn't be too much of a hassle with Evie and I - we got away with it last year anyway ;) though we have learnt our lesson about having too much icing sugar now :P
I'm not quite sure what to do with my cello now since it's sitting in my room looking mournful - i can hear it saying 'i thought you were going to practice?? and tune me once in a while???' - oh well i guess it'll just stay there until i get enough motivation to play it again....